Mentor Program


Mentoring programs are beneficial to both adults and teens in encouraging growth in the Kingdom.

Mentoring has rock-solid, proven benefits to help people eliminate and fight their addictions and help with everyday struggles. The brothers and sisters chained with addictions will be inspired and uplifted by positive reinforcement to show there is someone who genuinely cares about who they are. They will not feel judged or condemned, instead focusing on the direction and path to overcome the shackles that keep them in bondage. Mentors are filled with love and contentment in their walk motivated to be a true friend. They reach out to people who want so much to be loved and accepted. Mentors will be an example not only for those in chains but others who need instruction on how to become a mentor.

Starting a mentoring program in a church or with an outside group takes compromise and agreement on specific goals and processes. If you have been called to lead a mentoring program, become well versed in program goals, structure, and stringent mentor selection, whereby in-depth focus involvement will go a long way toward making the program a success.

We are asking men and women called to work with adults or teens on an individual basis to please join the family and make a difference in someone’s life.

CAP has the expertise to initiate a plan or go through the selection process to help any church, organization, group, or individual start and maintain a successful mentoring program.