U.S. Porn statistics
Super Bowl 2014: Denver Broncos fans turn to porn following defeat to Seattle Seahawks: After the match, which the Seahawks won 43–8, the number of visitors to Pornhub remained lower than average in the state of Washington, with a 17 percent drop. However, in Colorado, there was an 11 percent increase, according to the figures. In order to keep from watching porn, your state needs to win the Super Bowl.
– Pornhub Insights, Pornhub Traffic Change During Super Bowl XLVIII, February 4, 2014 [8]
At what age did you start sexting: Adam and Eve asked over 1,000 men and women at what age they started sexting (sending sexually explicit photographs or messages via cell phone)?
- 35% of Americans admitted to sexting.
- 32% started sexting between ages 19 and 29.
- 27% started sexting between ages 30 and 40.
- 22% started sexting at 40 or older.
- 18% of sexters are between 15 and 18.
– Adam and Eve, At What Age Did You Start Sexting? December 5, 2014 [11]
In 18 months, the number of mothers of young children pursuing sex work has jumped 400 percent, according to ratracerebellion.com, an organization that helps mothers find work-at-home jobs of all kinds, ranging from writing assignments to telemarketing. Many of the mothers working as phone sex operators said that, while they would like to work outside of the sex industry, those jobs are not currently available. The women are typically paid $10 to $50 per hour, but many can make much more.
– ABC News, Moms Turn to Phone Sex Business for Income, December 19, 2011 [13]
Adam and Eve asks: Do you read erotic literature? Adam and Eve is going back to the books with this month’s sex question. After all the success with Fifty Shades of Grey, the company wanted to find out just who was reading erotica:
- 41% of the respondents admitted they enjoy reading erotica.
- 23% admitted to reading or seeing Fifty Shades.
– Adam and Eve, Do You Read Erotic Literature? August 27, 2015 [10]
2006 U.S. Pornography Revenue by Type (Total U.S. revenues $13.3 billion):
- Video Sales and Rentals ($3.62 billion).
- Internet ($2.84 billion).
- Cable / PPV / In-Room / Mobile / Phone Sex ($2.19 billion).
- Exotic Dance Clubs ($2.00 billion), Novelties ($1.73 billion).
- Magazines ($0.95 billion).
– Top Ten Reviews, Internet Pornography Statistics, March 28, 2014 [16]
U.S. Hardcore Pornography Titles Released (in 17 years 123,183 titles have been released and this number has increased 12,388 per year since 1988):
- Top Ten Reviews, Internet Pornography Statistics, March 28, 2014 [52]
U.S. States that watch more pornography page views per capita:
– Pornhub Insights, Red Versus Blue States, April 9, 2014 [15]
How do you prefer to view your adult content? When over 1,000 American adults were asked what format they preferred to view their adult entertainment:
- 44% of the respondents wanted free sites.
- 36% said they did not watch adult content.
- 16% said they preferred to view adult DVDs.
- 4% said they preferred pay-per-view sites.
It’s no surprise that free sites are the obvious choice for adult viewers; there is a niche for every sexual preference and it’s free.
– Adam and Eve, How do You Prefer to View Your Adult Content? April 9, 2013 [9]
How many Christians do you think watch porn? 1,000 adults surveyed in 2014:
- 64% of American men view porn at least monthly.
- 79% of men ages 18–30 view porn at least monthly.
- 67% of men ages 31–49 view porn at least monthly.
- 49% of men between the ages of 50 and 68 view pornography at least monthly.
- 55% of married men view porn at least monthly.
- 33% of men between the ages of 18 and 30 think they might be addicted to pornography or are unsure if they are addicted.
- 18% of men of all ages think they might be addicted to pornography or are unsure if they are addicted.
- 42% of women between the ages of 18 and 30 view porn at least monthly.
– Digital Journal, August 14, 2014 [2]
Survey of Christians who support gay marriage ok with porn, divorce, premarital sex, abortion: Christians who support gay marriage are seven times more likely to approve of pornography, six times more likely to approve of promiscuity, and five times more likely to approve of adultery as compared to those who don’t.
– The Global Dispatch, August 14, 2014 [3]
Christian mission’s agency is reported as saying that 80% of its applicants admit to struggles with porn.
– The Christian Post, Sexual Sin in the Ministry, March 8, 2012 [12]
Majority of Christian singles reject idea of waiting until marriage to have sex, a Christian Mingle survey of 716 Christians reveals that a majority of single Christians are rejecting biblical doctrine by choosing to have sex before they are married; 50 percent of female Christians and 39 percent of Christian males said that they went to church at least once a month.
- 61% of self-identified Christian singles are willing to have casual sex without being in love.
- 11% said they are waiting to have sex until they are married.
- 23% said they would have to be in love to have sex unmarried.
- 5% said they would wait to get engaged to have sex.
- 90% of them said they would be comfortable with premarital sex.
– The Christian Post, Does Church Attendance Impact How Often You Have Sex? February 13, 2014. [7]
The next generation’s perfect addiction: Project Know conducted a survey of 73,000 participants. Today’s young adults are voracious consumers of online porn. An endless stream of videos can give you anything you want, whenever you want it. What happens when this habit becomes a problem? The next generation’s perfect addiction.
- The male sex drive is novelty-seeking; porn aligns perfectly.
- 42% of male college students regularly visit explicit Web sites.
- 19% feel they are controlled by their sexual desires.
- More than 50% have never had sex.
- 16% started watching porn before the age of 12.
- 53% started watching porn between the ages of 12 to 14.
- 64% say their taste in porn became more deviant and extreme.
- 36% say they are ashamed of their deviant and extreme behavior.
– Project Know, Taking a Whack at Porn, March 2014 [1]
Survey of Harvard’s 2014 graduating class; of the 758 who responded:
- 48% of men watch porn multiple times a week.
- 41% of women have watched porn.
- 21% reached the age of 22 and were virgins.
- 12% said they had at least 10 sexual partners while in college.
- 15% call themselves gay, bisexual, or “questioning.”
- 67% of those who are homosexual, bisexual, questioning, or other seniors have sought mental health counseling while at Harvard.
- 12% said they had at least 10 sexual partners while in college.
– Harvard Crimson, May 2014 [6]
Mental health of women in porn: A cross-sectional study based on the California Women’s Health Survey did a comparison of the mental health of female adult performers and other young women in California. Here is what its research revealed.
Women in the sex industry face a myriad of issues that impact their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Many feel desperately isolated and alone. Because their hurts and needs are multifaceted, the approach to assisting them in the recovery process needs to be holistic as well.
– Treasures, Sex Industry Stats [17]
Cosmopolitan survey of 4,000 men and 4,000 women consisting of 23.7% men and 73.7% women ages 18–24, 37.2% men and 16% women age 25–34, and 37.8% men and 4.4% women ages 35 plus:
- 32.5% of the men watched porn daily.
- 71% of men 18–34 watch it at least once a month.
- 38.1% of women said that had no interest in making a sex tape or participating in porn.
- 7 out of 10 men said they watch acts in porn they wouldn’t do in real life.
- 7 out of 50 women stated they like to watch acts in porn they wouldn’t do themselves.
- 3 out of 4 men and women would watch porn with a partner.
- 12% of women prefer BDSM porn to anything else.
- 2 out of 3 men orgasm faster watching porn as opposed to having sex.
- Only 8% of men prefer porn or masturbating over having sex.
What would women think if they found someone they were dating was watching kinky porn?
- 41.6% wonder why they don’t do that with them.
- 35.3% think it’s their private time.
- 20% think that’s fine as long as they don’t bring it to bed.
- 3% think I need to leave them right now.
How women think their partners’ porn habits should change once they start dating.
- 4.6% say they should stop watching porn—cold turkey.
- 13% say they can watch porn if they are in a different zip code.
- 68.3% say they don’t care as long as it doesn’t get in the way of their relationship.
- 14.1% say they watch porn together.
Would men stop if asked by their partners to stop looking at porn?
- 43.2% would stop.
- 18.9% would not stop.
- 37.9% would hide it.
– Cosmopolitan, This is How You Watch Porn, February 20, 2014 [5]
Table 1:
Graph 1:
Please note: The number in brackets corresponds to specific statistic(s). Questions or concerns about any listed statistic may be directed to CAP at the e-mail address feedback@c-a-p.org.
[1] http://www.projectknow.com/discover/taking-a-whack-at-porn-addiction/#.VhvbYziFPIU
[2] http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/2123093
[3] http://www.theglobaldispatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Christians-support-gay-marriage-vs-other-sins-porn-adultery.png
[4] http://www.pornhub.com/insights/pornhub-2013-year-in-review/
[5] http://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/videos/a20835/how-you-watch-porn-survey/
[6] http://features.thecrimson.com/2014/senior-survey/
[7] http://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-dating-culture-part-2-does-church-attendance-impact-how-often-you-have-sex-114423/
[8] http://www.pornhub.com/insights/pornhub-super-bowl
[9] http://www.adameve.com/pressroom.aspx?id=press-596
[10] http://www.adameve.com/pressroom.aspx?id=adamandeve.com-asks-do-you-read-erotic-literature
[11] http://www.adameve.com/pressroom.aspx?id=adamandeve.com-asks-at-what-age-did-you-start-sexting
[12] http://blogs.christianpost.com/guest-views/sexual-sin-in-the-ministry-8613/
[13] http://abcnews.go.com/us/moms-turn-phone-sex-business-income/story?id=15172233
[14] http://jonmillward.com/blog/studies/deep-inside-a-study-of-10000-porn-stars/#gallery
[15] http://www.pornhub.com/insights/red-versus-blue-us-states/
[16] http://internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com/internet-pornography-statistics.html
[17] http://iamatreasure.com/about-us/statistics/#sthash.WHTgUXds.A0CKxCeW.dpbs