Volunteer Program
Volunteering part- or full time in a high profile ministry is an exciting way to get involved and help people all over the world.
Walking by faith, people will get up close and personal with what God is doing around the world. The benefits and opportunities are endless, joining together with other volunteers for a common goal. The Lord will fill hearts and minds with joy, happiness, and contentment when people give themselves, their time, and their attention to assist churches, organizations, and others in times of great need, programs, and/or projects. Second, dedicated volunteers show their excitement when they are helping others, which, when inspired by selfless giving, sparks a passionate drive for missions and giving, much like a contagious virus spreading from person to person in an extreme positive way.
“Smile and create another selfless smile.” - Scott Wilson
CAP has several options open for people to serve and volunteer in the US and/or globally. Listed below are some of the various opportunities currently available to volunteer, but CAP is open to discussion about projects and activities that can contribute to existing goals. Second, God-given talent and gifts need to be captured and utilized; everyone is greatly encouraged to fill out the form online or contact the team leader in their area. For more information on these different opportunities, please contact us via email.
- Mentor
- Youth Leader/Contact
- Team Leader (Men/Women)
- Counselor
- Community Minister
- Outreach Program Facilitator
- Community Educator
Please join our family and make a difference in someone’s life by becoming a volunteer, faithfully praying for the domestic/international ministries, and/or by helping financially. Please note that all sexual offenders are disallowed from participating as volunteers and must be approved in writing at least four weeks prior to receiving any assistance. A background check and drug test is required for all people prior to training, education, or service as a volunteer, mentor, or employee.
We have the expertise to initiate a volunteer plan or go through the selection process to help any church, organization, group, or individual start and maintain a successful volunteer program.