Global Porn statistics
NSPCC ChildLine completed a survey of 700 adolescents ages 12 to 13:
- 10% of UK 12- and 13-year-olds fear they are addicted to porn.
- 12% of 12–13-year-olds admitted to participating in a sexually explicit video.
- Girl, who is now 17, said she was sexually assaulted by her boyfriend when they were both 12 years old.
- Girls in particular have said they feel like they have to look and behave like porn stars to be liked by boys.
- BBC News, “Education and Family”, March 31, 2015 [1]
China has a growing problem: Despite frequent anti-porn clampdowns, pornography remains available both online and in the form of DVDs; demand for porn in China is growing. There are several statistics that show the net-porn industries are surviving and flourishing despite the ban. There is a growing subculture of DIY porn movies. It shows that despite the total ban on pornography, Chinese people have developed an impressive porn industry and progressive sex cultures. Many students say pornography is their only sex education.
– Danwei, People’s Pornography, August 23, 2011 [17]
From a survey of more than 4,400 men in South Africa: 67% view porn and 27% masturbate several times a week; masturbation is nearly always accompanied with pornography.
–, “Are South African men Spornosexual”?, March 19, 2015 [2]
A recent survey showed 4 out of 10 married South Korean men have been unfaithful to their spouses.
– Yonhap News, February 15, 2015 [3]
A survey of 2,500 UK school and university students showed: 60% watch porn to get information about sex; 75% said that sex ed. at school was not practical and rated it fair, poor, or terrible; 75% said that porn creates unrealistic expectations.
– The Guardian, January 29, 2015 [4]
From a survey of 1,002 Internet users in Ireland: 83% of men and 56% of women have viewed porn; 25% of these watch it weekly; 36% who are not in a relationship view porn weekly; 7% had seen porn before the age of 12; 49% of women ages 18–24 believe their partners are viewing porn; 31% of the Irish believe porn is morally unacceptable.
– Irish News, January 17, 2015 [5]
A survey of 2,000 UK workers showed 1/5 had accessed porn on a personal device that was used for work, putting the companies’ computer systems at risk of malware attacks. 15% of men and 8% of women admitted to accessing porn on their work-issued computer devices.
– SC Magazine, December 10, 2014 [6]
75% of Danish men and 33% of Danish women watch porn, according to a 2014 survey by the women’s magazine Q.
– The Local DK, October 31, 2014 [7]
Survey of over 2,000 Danes aged 15 to 74:
- For most porn users, it is a solitary and free experience.
- Eight out of ten users said that they only view porn on free sites.
- 84% said they primarily watch porn alone.
- One in four respondents said that they see it with their partner.
The most active age group was the 20- to 59-year-olds, and most respondents said that they watched porn to masturbate, receive sexual inspiration or simply kill time.
– The Local DK, October 31, 2014 [7]
Norms and Values Survey 2011, conducted by the ANSA McAL Psychological Research Centre:
- 52% of Trinidadian women admitted to watching porn.
- Of Trinidadian men, 79% said they watched porn.
- 85% to 90% of men have done so at some point.
Note: Given that Trinidad has one of the highest per capita rates for porn searches on Google, these figures are likely to be underestimated.
- 64% of the respondents admitted to watching porn; most of them also agreed that pornography was bad.
- 65% of respondents agreed with the statement that porn was harmful.
- 82% thought that porn degraded women.
- 76% agreed that porn led to sexual addiction.
– Trinidad Express, October 18, 2014 [8]
56% of Britons watch porn at least occasionally, 15% do on a regular basis; 53% of UK women read erotica novels at least occasionally, only 32% of men read erotica.
– The UK Independent, September 29, 2014 [9]
A University of Sydney, Australia, study found that: 70% of Australian men view porn online while the average first exposure to porn is age 11; 80% of 15- to 17-year-olds have had multiple exposures to hardcore porn.
– Newcastle Herald, September 12, 2014 [10]
One of the first large-scale surveys in Singapore of 836 13- to 15-year-olds found that: 50% have watched or read sexually explicit materials, some as early as age 7; 77% of these accessed porn through smartphones.
“I believe it is largely due to the inadequate discussions and lack of guidance from us, so young people look elsewhere for sex education, of which pornography is a poor teacher,” said clinical psychologist Joel Yang of SIM University.
– Asia-one, Singapore, September 8, 2014 [11]
Survey shows half of teens in United Kingdom are exposed to pornography:
- 80%f UK teens say porn is “too easy” to access or stumble upon on the Internet.
- 46% of teens said sexting is a part of everyday life for teenagers.
- 70% said porn was seen as normal by their peers at school.
- 1 in 10 told their parents about stumbling onto porn on the Internet.
- 2/3 of girls and nearly 50% of boys said growing up would be easier if porn was harder to access.
- Some 72% of 18-year-olds worry that the prevalence of porn leads to “unrealistic attitudes” to sex.
- 66% said porn has led to pressure on young women to act a certain way.
- 68% said it has put pressure on girls to look a certain way.
- Some said pornography had put pressure on young men to act and look a particular way.
- 7 in 10 of those surveyed said pornography encourages society to view women as sex objects.
– Daily Mail, UK, August 19, 2014 [12]
Survey of 8,000 girls in the 18–43 age group over a period of six months in Pune, Nashik, Bangalore, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Ahemdabad; 49% learned about sex from watching porn videos.
–, June 25, 2014 [13]
Survey of 5,436 Canadian students in grades 4 through 11 about watching porn and “sexting”:
- 40% of boys admitted to looking for porn online.
- 33% of the boys admitted to viewing porn daily; another third said they did so at least once a week; one in five said it was at least once a month.
- Respondents who said they had sent a “sext”; about 25% of them said they knew of their message being passed on to others.
– Business Standard, June 13, 2014 [14]
Of a survey of 248 Oxford (UK) students: 71.8% of all students said they view porn, 91% of men and 51% of women.
– The Oxford Student, June 12, 2014 [15]
Research showed 3,000,000 UK families had discovered their children viewing violent, explicit, or pornographic material on the Internet:
- Children as young as 2 have accessed explicit content online.
- 19% said their children got on the Internet at age 2.
- 38% said their kids were 3 or older when they accessed the Internet.
- 74% of parents surveyed were unaware of options to filter porn from their computers, smartphones, or tablets.
The study found many parents have resorted to snooping to keep track of what their children are up to:
- More than half admitted checking Internet history on devices.
- 16% have logged in to their children’s social media profiles to check who they have been talking to.
- 4 in 10 have uploaded parental control software attempting to block sites with explicit or unsuitable content.
- 34% allow their children to use the Internet only if the screen is within their sight.
– The Scotsman, Two Years Old Found Watching Internet Porn, April 3, 2014 [18]
Ireland is in the grip of a porn addiction epidemic as people put their jobs, families, and even their lives on the line:
- Pornography use has grown by 77% since 2010.
- 6.72 million visits every month.
- Porn surfers are logging on in every region.
- Between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. is the busiest time for Irish users to access the Web sites, with an average of eight pages viewed every nine minutes.
– Irish Mirror, Ireland in the Grip of Porn Addiction, February 9, 2014 [19]
The UEL survey looks at teen porn habits and reveals some shocking results about the impact porn is having on young people’s perception of sex and relationships today; 350 participants, male and female, between the ages of 12 and 20, have responded to the online survey disclosing why they access porn:
- Of 12- to 16-year-olds, boys were far more likely than girls to have viewed sexual images.
- 80% of boys had watched people having sex online in contrast to just 33% of girls.
- 51% of boys watched porn quite a few times.
- 27% admitting to watching porn frequently.
- 97% of 16- to 20-year-old teen boys watch porn.
- 80% of the teen girls had seen sexual images.
- Three times as many boys as girls feel the use of porn impacted their relationships or was becoming a dependency.
- 7% of teen boys felt their viewing was getting out of control.
- Teen girls tend to be in groups when watching sexual images, often via Facebook and social media.
- Teen boys were not using social media to access porn and were mostly watching it alone.
- Over 10% of both sexes felt they were looking at more and more extreme imagery.
– University of East London, September 30, 2013 [21]
St Joseph’s Guidance and Counselling Centre and the counselling psychology students of Martin Luther Christian University (Meghalaya) conducted a survey of high school students in Quilon, Kerala, India; the study covered 750 high school students from six schools in the district, among which 143 were girls:
- 146 out of 750 students were never exposed to porn.
- 80% of the students were exposed to porn.
- 13.5% were seriously addicted.
– The New Indian Express, July 30, 2013 [23]
Let’s Talk about Sex: Young people’s views on sex and sexual health information in Australia; The Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) and the Youth Empowerment Against HIV/AIDS (YEAH) have released Let’s Talk about Sex; 12- to 19-year-olds are large consumers of pornography and early exposure to explicit pornography is leaving young people with a skewed idea of how to have sex. Australian Youth Affairs Coalition and Youth Empowerment Against HIV/AIDS asked young people to explain how they learnt about sex.
- 85% rely on Internet.
- 69% rely on schools.
- 64% rely on pornography.
Australia’s young people are facing a sexual health crisis of epidemic scale:
- 75% of all sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Australia occurring amongst young people.
- 20% increase in the rate of STIs diagnosed amongst people aged 15–29 in the past three years.
AYAC and YEAH believe that there is an urgent need to develop an understanding of where young people access information on sexual health they deem relevant, accurate and trustworthy.
– Australian Youth Affairs Coalition, “Let’s Talk About Sex,” July 5, 2012 [24]
Table 1:
- PornHub Insights, December 17, 2003 [16]
Table 2:
- PornHub Insights, December 17, 2013 [16}
Table 3:
- PornHub Insights, December 17, 2013 [22]
Graph 1:
- PronHub Insights, PornHUb Traffic Change During SuperBowl XLViii, Februray 4, 2014 [20]
Graph 2:
- PornHub Insights, PornHub Traffic Change During SuperBowl XLVIII, February 4, 2014 [20]
Please note: The number in brackets corresponds to specific statistic(s). Questions or concerns about any listed statistic may be directed to CAP at the e-mail address